Summer Camp 2025
registration is now open!
Camp is for all abilities and is not limited to only those with a diagnosis.
Registration deadline is May 15th!

$150 deposit is due at the time of registration, and remaining balance is due by May 15th.
Camp is for all abilities and is not limited to those with a diagnosis or current clients, all are welcome.
Every week of camp includes mounted and ground based activities, trail rides and horse painting as weather permits. Each 4-day camp takes place from 9am - 12pm, at a cost of $350. This cost includes a camp t-shirt and pictures with your horse. Camps have a limit of four riders to ensure one-on-one focus for each camper.
Campers will learn to groom/tack their horse, play arena games, learn groundwork, barn etiquette and chores.
Camp will also include horse related arts and crafts.
No diagnosis required!
The full cost of camp is $350. A non-refundable deposit of $150 is due at time of registration. The remaining balance is due by May 15. Once payment has been made, it is non-refundable and considered a donation to Wings of Hope should the camper be unable to attend. **Please note your registration is not complete until deposit has been received**
Financial aid is not available through Wings of Hope for Summer Camp.
Campers need to arrive between 8:45-9:00, minors must have accompanying adults prior to 9AM. Please be prepared to pick up camper promptly at 12:00. A $25 late pick up fee is charged each day for pick up after 12:05, and $5 every minute thereafter.
Accompanying adults of campers with disabilities that require 1:1 assistance or need assistance with personal hygiene must stay on site at all times.
No, we have a variety of experience levels, including beginner level.
A medical healthcare professional form must be signed by a doctor for those with diagnosed disabilities and returned by May 15th. We will also set up a time prior to the camp for an evaluation at Wings of Hope to get to know you better and learn how we can best serve you. Please call for more information
Yes, campers must be below 199 lbs. Accommodations may be available for ground based opportunities for those over 200 lbs.
Campers are required to wear full length pants and close-toed boots or tennis shoes.
Campers are recommended to bring at least two bottles of water and a light snack each day.
All helmets will be provided by Wings of Hope to wear daily in camp unless you have your own ASTM-EI equestrian helmet within 5 years of the manufacture date.
Camps are first come, first serve. Should your choice be full, please complete the waitlist form and you will be contacted in the event that a spot opens up.